
Kofy Brown, an Oakland, CA musician, singer, and songwriter, is a pioneering force in the Bay Area’s hip-hop soul scene. As the leader of her band, KBB (Kofy Brown Band), she has toured extensively, paving the way for other indie artists to follow in her footsteps. With performances across North America, Canada, and Europe, Kofy Brown has showcased her unique style of soul, rock, funk, and more to audiences worldwide.
Known for her outstanding live shows, Kofy Brown and the KBB have earned a reputation for delivering unforgettable performances. Her music is a soulful blend of funk, rock, blues, and hip-hop, complemented by her distinctive singing and rap style, which she refers to as "word song."
In addition to her work with the KBB, Kofy Brown is also a co-creator, bass player, and lead songwriter/vocalist in the legendary all-black girl rock trio Sistas in the Pit.
Currently, Kofy Brown showcases her talents as the drummer and vocalist in her latest project, Skip the Needle. This dynamic group features veteran vocalists and musicians Vicki Randle, Shelley Doty, and Katie Colpitts. Together, they deliver a powerful blend of soul, funk, rock, and other genres.
Kofy Brown has also contributed her drumming skills to other projects, including collaborating with the refreshingly smart and witty Americana artist, Dillbilly, the social justice activist songwriting duo, Emma's Revolution and the legendary singer-songwriter Cris Williamson. She has held down bass duties for the gospel soul-infused Marcelle Lashley Davies, The Maestro, Pianist-Composer Tammy L. Hall and the incomparable singer-percussionist, Linda Tillery.
In 2022, Kofy Brown showcased her versatility as she performed as "Iris, the God" in the off-Broadway musical "Weightless." Currently, she is wowing audiences in the musical "Hedwig and the Angry Inch," performing with her band Skip the Needle.
Kofy Brown – Love Warrior / Joyspreader
Additional Projects :
Skip the Needle | Sistas in the Pit
Shop Music : Buy Directly from Kofy Brown! (or CD Baby | Amazon | iTunes)
Contact Kofy: email from here
Band Members:
Kofy Brown – Vocals
Tony Providence – Drums
Sean Leahy – Guitar
Bryan Dean – Bass
Julie Wolf – Keys
VIcki Randle – Percussion & Vocals
Child of Providence - Full Length CD April 10, 2020
Soul Rock - Full Length CD 2008
Stompin At The Paard - Live in the Netherlands- Full Length CD- 2007
The Mecca Session - Live in SF- Full Length CD 2006
Love Warrior - Full Length CD 2004-2005
Area 32 - Full Length CD 2001
Red - 12″ 2002
Lost & Looking - 12″ 2001
Skinny & Tight - Full Length CD 1999
Hungry - Full Length CD 1997
Can U Hear Me - 12″ 1996
Live & Delicious - Full Length CD 1995
She's Butta - Cassette EP 1992
An Interview with Kofy Brown (Part 1&2) - DONUTS MAGAZINE by Revinyl
The Love Warrior's Tale
Kofy Brown, an Oakland-based songwriter and performer, is living the musical dream. With eight albums under her belt, she has been around the world touring, plays different instruments in multiple projects, has a newly built home studio in Oakland, and the rough mixes from her new album playing in her car — “I am really liking these!”
Kofy Brown drove me to her home in Oakland on a lovely hillside where redwood trees grow. In her living room she played her favorite records: expressing the love for each song with her whole body and swaying to the music. You can’t help but smile when you are around her. I asked her about how it all started, her inspirations for her music, and the ride through the changing times — the musical journey of Kofy Brown. (Mika Anami) September 27, 2018
"Soul Rock" by Kofy Brown – RADIOINDY.COM
On the latest album, titled "Soul Rock," Kofy Brown delves into funk rock fused with blues. This album has a nice variety of tempo shifts and back beats that show the artistic abilities this group has to offer. Vocals flow confidently and with rhythmic style. Grooving bass lines build up the body rocking funk on "Lost Child," as the strings and guitar compliment the dance beat style. A slow, walking blues progression really brings out the soulful feel on "Greedy People." Listeners will be able to feel the emotions poured out from the lead vocals that are deep and low, while the harmonies layer with solid support. For those who are fans of Lenny Kravitz and Cat Power, "Soul Rock" by Kofy Brown is an album well worth listening to and should definitely be checked out.
-Rodney and the Reviewer Team
Soul Rock Review – JamBase- Go See Live Music- Weekend Outburst
The bluesy, honey-thick vocals of Kofy Brown leave listeners to linger on every last lyric. No question, Brown should take some more risks; but Soul Rock's strong funk instrumentals and gritty tone make for solid grooves. By the closing note, Brown left me with the blessing/curse of simply wanting more. (Trevor Pour)
Kofy Brown Returns – SF Gate
After taking some time out as the bassist for Sistas in Tha Pit, East Bay hip-hop soul singer Kofy Brown returns with her seventh solo album, "Soul Rock." Her new band the KBB will premiere the material at the Uptown Club in Oakland on Thursday. She said playing with a band gave her perspective: "I've sort of come to terms with my indie status, not searching for the big deal but giving my fans what they've always expected from me which is variety, social commentary and heartfelt emotional songs." The singer, who plays keyboards in her own outfit, will be joined by guitarist Sean Leahy, bassist Bryan Dean and drummer Joe DeRose. The Uptown Club is at 1928 Telegraph Ave. in Oakland. For more information visit
- Aidin Vaziri
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Kofy Brown w/A Band Called Pain – O-Scene
Kofy Brown has been mixing it up and making waves in the poetry, soul, funk and straight on rock scenes for a minute. She’s known for commanding a stage, whether it’s a spoken word set, lovers lament or power ballad and along with her band the KBB and as one third of “Black Girl Rock” power Sistas in the Pit, she’s played with everyone from Iggy Pop to the Rare Groove Orchestra and gotten press everywhere from USA Today to Vibe Magazine. Tonight she’s going metal as she’s joined by Alameda rockers Band Called Pain for what should be a loud, classicly high energy set.
May 16, 2008
Save Our Souls Reviews –
Love Warrior is the title of this sweet Kofy Brown album. With her band Kofy Brown is searching for love, honesty, and a meaningful life. The songs are packed in a variation of catchy soulful melodies sometimes slow and sometimes fast with the power of a hurricane.
Kofy Brown will rock you and make you swing on a funky beat. You'll surely notice that the KBB (Kofy Brown Band) is a mature band with lots of experience in music and life. With her soulful and convincing voice Kofy has documented the time we live in when she sings about Bush going to war and waisting the lives of innocent people in "Walking Out Of Time". This song breathes the atmosphere of the great Temptations song "Papa was a Rolling Stone". Another heartfelt song is "All That She Could Say".
But don't think it's all war and sorrow on this album. "I Like It"and "Make Fun" will let you open yourself to the feel good and so will "Wanna Luv You". Hey, there's a hidden track out there you have to find it!(TA) August 2004
FunkJunkiez Review –
Kofy Brown's has been delivering fusion of Motown, Stax and Tamla soul with the headnod beats of hip hop and jazz for a few years now. It's safe to say, she was "neo" when everybody else was just soul. If you know Kofy, you'll know not to expect references to ice, Cristal, Lex's or Beemers. But what you will get are her observations on love & life. Her arrangements and lyrics are the fusion of her understanding and love of many different forms of music, and as such, definitely do not appeal to everyone. The organic soul of Kofy first attracted me through her 2001 album "Area 32" and any of you who still have to get hold of "Skinny & Tight", "Live & Delicious" or "Hungry" will probably be keen to do so after listening to "Love Warrior". Independant soul that lacks the glitz and marketing ploys of contemporaries. This is music for the love of it. The track listings aren't PC friendly, and the website seems to only work when it feels like....but that adds to the appeal of Kofy for me. There's not so much "rage against the system" in this project. Still poignant, socially enlightening, but also in some way softer. "Love Warrior" is a pseudo instrumental jazz-funk track that sounds like the theme tune of a 70's blaxploitation movie. Pimps, flares, afro's and large cars come to mind immediately. But at only 1:23 is probably best referred to as an interlude. Any of you checking out our "Soul Nouveau" vibe will be familiar with "Wanna Luv You". And judging by the feedback, you love it as much as I do. This is just an excellent tune, laid back and full to the brim of real instruments, real passion and real quality. And after one killer tune comes another. "Fly Away" is more along the lines of her own distinctive poetry to music. An anthem for anyone who just feels the urge to get away from all the crap in their lives. “I Like It “ funks it up a whole heap. This deep and moody vibe is an absolute killer of the senses. It takes a long time before you hear any verses, buts that only noticeable if you’re trying to write a review. Simple lyrics, classy beats and luscious melodies are woven together for a delightful musical tapestry. “Keep On Movin’” is more in line with what some would call is traditional Kofy Brown. Jazzy, vibes with insightful poetic raps and soulful tones. An absolute gem of a track. Musically similar to “Ya Don’t Stop”…but that’s not a bad thing. When you first hear the bass-line of “Walkin Out Of Time” you immediately start to nod your head. Then the beats kick in, and you start to bounce. A throwback to 70’s soul this is wonderful stuff. I won’t say much more about it…I’ll let you experience it for yourselves. At 7:47 it’s a long track….but it’s true what they say about time flying. Now it wouldn’t be a Kofy album if there wasn’t at least one tune you’d struggle to wrap your head around. And in this case it’s “#57” an instrumental jazz-funk trip that has very subtle changes in chords that are almost unnoticeable. But it’s a short track, so you’ll live through it. “Mind Travelin” resumes the jazzy, mellow vibe. Organic, free-flowing poetry subtly flavours this mind trip. A definite for those who like to get deep into the lyrics. “All She Could Say” is as close as this comes to contemporary R&B. And is an excellent tune. A few people have asked about it, thinking the title is “Does He Really Love Me”…so don’t be fooled. “Just A Woman” is another nice track, though not really much to say about it. “Battle 4 Love” is another instrumental interlude. And then we come across “Alright” and this is a lot better than alright. This is absolutely awesome. Soulful and harmonious, just tune in and chill out. “Make Fun” is loud and funky . “Yesterdays Dream” is a short interlude, and “Erotik” was originally on “Area 32”, sweet and melodic. It was one of my favourites off that album as well. Then something strange happens. There’s 17 seconds of silence where 4 invisible tracks take up space….and a mystery track appears. It’s not on the track listing on the cover and is wonderful. It would be a brave person to hazard a guess as to a title…but I had to call it something…so I’ve decided on “Just Another Day”. Wonderfully original and as soulful as it comes this is defintiely the Real deal from the Real Kofy Brown. Overall...Is It Funky?....Or Is It Junky? Funky...For Real
June 2004
Kofy Brown, Love Warrior (Simba Music)
Kofy Brown has been putting out music since the release of "She's Butta" on cassette in '92, her last album being "Area 32", which came out three years ago. On this, her sixth, she serves up a warm brew of jazz-funk, organic rock and soul that remains carefully distant from the anodyne, rigid "nu" breed ruling the pop charts, having lost all connection to its rough, fluid roots along the way. Rootsy is a good word for Kofy's self-produced, multi-instrumentalist approach, although she's not afraid to bring in the odd breakbeat and give her tight, enjoyable band a break. No throat-grabbing hooks or lyricism here, but if you're a fan of Meshell Ndegeocello's last album, or the way Prince used to do it, then you could do much, much worse than dig up a copy of this and hear Kofy spell out the old message with considerable talent, gusto and conviction.
— Stefan Braidwood Oct 2004
City Flight Magazine – City Flight Magazine
"Brown's performance radiates a vibe unheard of in the Bay Area scene since the days of Sly Stone and Carlos Santana, among many others. Watching her perform, Brown's style is direct, intelligent and soulful"
Johnathan Flemming
City Flight Magazine
Holland wants Kofy Brown (Review in Dutch) – Kind Muzik Online-Zine
Kofy Brown is het schoolvoorbeeld van de talentrijke artieste die gedoemd lijkt om eeuwig in de marge te blijven ploeteren. Na vier albums die geruisloos verschenen, kreeg ze toch enige vorm van erkenning met Area 32, uitgebracht op haar eigen Simba Music label. Niet meer dan logisch, want Kofy Brown hoeft zeker niet onder te doen voor de Angie Stone's en Jill Scott's van deze wereld. Of deze zesde cd haar dezelfde erkenning zal opleveren is zeer te betwijfelen, maar als zulke dingen alleen zouden afhangen van de muziek zit ze alvast op het goede spoor.
Beginselverklaring 'Love Warrior's Theme' is ietwat misleidend, want veel stomende funk zal u verder niet meer horen op deze Love Warrior. Wel veel soul, in alle vormen en kleuren: soul zoals Prince die in de jaren tachtig van de vorige eeuw maakte ('Fly away'), soul zoals Angie Stone die heden ten dage maakt ('I like it') en spoken-wordsoul zoals Ursula Rucker die op de wereld loslaat ('Keep on moving'). Maar - de hippiehoes verraadt al veel - dit album is vooral een trip down memory lane met ongepolijste producties die een hoog live-gevoel weerspiegelen.
Volledig terug naar de seventies dan? Toch niet, want in '#57' bijvoorbeeld wordt de soul/fusion aangelengd met drum'n'bass-ritmes. Op het einde van de cd lijkt Kofy Brown, die ook de basgitaar kan hanteren, met haar jazzfunk steeds meer op Meshell Ndegeocello. Wil iemand deze dame dringend eens naar de Benelux halen?
tekst: Mathias Vermeulen
- September 2004 (review in Dutch) –
Kofy Brown - Love Warrior
Gepubliceerd op maandag 09 augustus 2004 Nu zwarte muziek populairder is dan ooit te voren, en ook nu soul over de toonbank vliegt, is het eigenlijk opmerkelijk dat Kofy Brown nog zo onbekend is. Ze is geen nieuwkomer; Love Warrior (Simba Music/Bertus) is alweer het zesde album van de uit Oakland, Californië afkomstige zangeres. Bovendien heeft ze een uitstekende live-reputatie, die ze een jaar of zes geleden al bewees op North Sea Jazz. En de obscuriteit is geheel onverdiend, afgaande op Love Warrior. Het album is zo’n beetje de natte droom van de soulliefhebber die verlangt naar de muzikaliteit uit de jaren ’60 en ’70, maar voor wie zelfs de betere nu soul releases nog niet voldoende bevrediging bieden. De kracht van Love Warrior is de spontaniteit en de onbevangenheid. Brown gooit onbekommerd de remmen los, bezingt de liefde maar bekritiseert ook president Bush en zijn oorlogszucht. Maar in tegenstelling tot haar collega Erykah Badu wordt Brown niet zwaar op de hand, het feest komt op nummer 1. De grote forte van Love Warrior is de rauwe en organische opnamekwaliteit. Het album klinkt alsof het live is opgenomen, en lijkt nauwelijks afgemixt te zijn. Zo valt de bas er af en toe lomp in, wat de muziek een enorme dynamiek en energie geeft. Je vraagt je af waarom dit niet vaker zo wordt gedaan. Maar je vraagt je ook af waarom je Kofy Brown nog niet kende, want Love Warrior is het nu soul album waar de wereld op zat te wachten.
Peter Schong
August, 2004